Jan PorajPstrokońskiAge: 53 years1555–1608
- Name
- Jan PorajPstrokoński
- Surname
- Pstrokoński
- Given names
- Jan Poraj
Birth | 1555 |
Death of a father | Spytek (Zbigniew) Poraj Pstrokoński after 1583 (Age 28 years) |
Marriage | Katarzyna Tarnowska — View this family about 1590 (Age 35 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Zofia PorajPstrokońska about 1590 (Age 35 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Stanisław PorajPstrokoński about 1591 (Age 36 years) |
Marriage | Jadwiga z Wielkiego Turska Turska — View this family 1595 (Age 40 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Spytek PorajPstrokoński about 1595 (Age 40 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | Jakub PorajPstrokoński about 1595 (Age 40 years) |
Birth of a son #5 | Maciej PorajPstrokoński 1599 (Age 44 years) |
Death | before January 14, 1608 (Age 53 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Spytek (Zbigniew) Poraj Pstrokoński Birth: about 1520 Death: after 1583 |
mother |
Barbara z Gajewnik Gajewnicka Birth: about 1525 |
Marriage: about 1550 — |
4 years elder brother |
Maciej PorajPstrokoński Birth: 1553 — Ligota Death: June 29, 1609 — Raciąż |
3 years himself |
Jan PorajPstrokoński Birth: 1555 Death: before January 14, 1608 |
sister |
Family with Katarzyna Tarnowska |
himself |
Jan PorajPstrokoński Birth: 1555 Death: before January 14, 1608 |
wife | |
Marriage: about 1590 — |
1 year daughter |
Zofia PorajPstrokońska Birth: about 1590 |
2 years son |
Stanisław PorajPstrokoński Birth: about 1591 Death: June 17, 1657 — Szegedyn |
9 years son |
Maciej PorajPstrokoński Birth: 1599 Death: August 6, 1642 |
Family with Jadwiga z Wielkiego Turska Turska |
himself |
Jan PorajPstrokoński Birth: 1555 Death: before January 14, 1608 |
wife | |
Marriage: 1595 — |
1 year son |
Spytek PorajPstrokoński Birth: about 1595 Death: 1631 |
1 year son |
Jakub PorajPstrokoński Birth: about 1595 |
Note | herbu Poraj, dziedzic na Ligocie, kasztelan wieluński (1603), razem z bratem kanclerzem koronnym stał wiernie przy królu Zygmuncie III i calym swym wpływem, który wśród mas szlacheckich miał niemały popieral króla. Jan Pstrokoński, kasztelan wieluński - zmarł przed 14 I 1608 - wg www.historiawielunia.uni.lodz.pl/urzedy |